Tool bar - customizing

 From:  Michael Gibson
7971.17 In reply to 7971.16 
Hi Tom,

> The icons are way smaller than the bar so currently I am uncertain which
> elements I should decrease in size.

Well, first of all did you also do the shrinking on the CommandbarRight.htm as well?

Then the next thing to look for is that several controls might have either padding or margins on them which makes blank space around them. You may need to reduce padding or margins in order to shrink them down more.

Probably the best way to figure out which particular things are taking up the most space is to temporarily delete one control at a time out of the file, then view it, and when you find the one where the size reduces a lot when it's removed, then you know that particular element is the one you need to shrink. You can then look at the style at the top of CommandBar.htm and also any style rules inside moi.css for that particular type of control to see if there is padding or margins set on it and experiment with removing them.

- Michael