Script Problems in Versions "moi_Jun-12-2007" and "moi_Jul-17-2007"

 From:  Tinhead
797.9 In reply to 797.6 
Sorry for the late response, was 'on the road' again. Don't laugh ... doing software support ...

I must be doing something very, very wrong, the Jul-25 version shows the same behaviour. So none of them, even the Jun-12 is working on my pc. Btw. I m using Firefox. Did the regsrv thing, killed everything that might 'trying' to protect my system, still the same.

Is there anything else I could try? I think to add more debug information is a good idea. The "Script Error" message should maybe include the name of the script that generates the error.


P.S. what is running the scripts anyhow? I checked my wscript.exe and cscript.exe version, it is ... is this relevant?

EDITED: 27 Jul 2007 by TINHEAD