Funny and exotic renderings of math and geometric objects

 From:  mkdm
Hi everyone,

Playing a few days ago with the fantastic Max's _FxGraph3D,
i thought it would be funny and interesting to share renderings of the objects done with that plugin,
or in general any sort of rendering of mathematical and geometrical objects.

If anyone's interested in sharing this kind of renderings, could use this forum thread, if you like it.

So....this is my first very simple rendering.
Nothing more then a little experiment done in less then 25 min, including the rendering.

I did it using these three plugins :

1) Max's _FxGraph3D, using this starting formula :
_FxGraph3D cos(u)*cos(v)+c*cos(u)*(b+sin(u*a)/2);sin(u)*cos(v)+c*sin(u)*(b+sin(a*u)/2);sin(v)+2*cos(a*u);0;18.84955592153876;0;6.283185307179586;300;10;1.666666;2;3;UV

2) CopyToPoints
I'm sorry but i don't remember who wrote it.

3) and finally the funny script StylesToSolidsWrap.js
I'm sorry but i don't remember who wrote it.

For the rendering i used Rhino V5 in bundle with TheaRender 1.5

Good evening to all.


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