Fundamental shapes for building from - S shapes

 From:  Andy (ANDYT)
Hi All

There are certain fundamental building blocks behind any shape, that you can break anything down to, from a statue to say a car or kettle

These are-
1) line
2) circle
3) ellipse or parabola etc
4) spirals
5) S forms

The first 4 are all ok and well catered for in Moi especially now with Brians help with his - Spiral script 2D for setting out Corinthian capital scrolls

But I feel the last one 5) S forms - could still benefit from a little more attention

Does anyone have any ideas on how to improve the S shape in the attached MOI file. This is my best geuss visually controlled S curve, with as few control points as possible, to give as clean a line as possible. But if there was a way to create this in a mathematically clean way that would be great.

I feel the crossover point between convex and concave is slightly flat and woolly, with my visual control point method. I have tried using 2 opposing spiral forms, fitted together tangentially but again the crossover is clumsy

I know this is very subtle, but I am working on a set of what I call Pure form sculptures, and the slightest wobble or clumsy line jumps out

Best wishes

Andy T