Hide command bar

 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
Thank you both !

I mean the bottom command bar that contains the File menu, Save, Undo, Redo buttons .

Filou > the fullscreen script unfortunately makes also the browser and menus disappear on the second monitor, what I dream of is
fullscreen on the left monitor while keeping the browser and menus on the right one for editing

Michael > The scripts erases the text and symbols from the bar, but it does not give more viewport space / real full screen as the
bar keeps in place - only without visible commands.
If it not possible to make the commandbar disapear while keeping browser and menus open - maybe it is possible to narrow the
commandbar by hiding only the text descritions line "file, save, ect) ?

EDITED: 31 Mar 2016 by SIRTOM