Changing rotational axis of 3D view ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
7900.2 In reply to 7900.1 
Hi Tom,

> Is it possible to change the rotational axis of teh 3D view to the y axis ? (or generate the
> symmetrical array in another plane ?)

Sorry no there isn't any way set up to make the 3D view rotate only around the yaxis. But it is possible to modify the script to change which plane it makes stuff on.

To change it, open the script in a text editor and you'll need to edit 3 lines, the first one is line number 12 which has this:

mirror_factory.setInput( 1, moi.vectorMath.createTopFrame() ); // First point and plane for mirror line.

Edit that to use createFrontFrame() instead. Then line number 13 has this:

mirror_factory.setInput( 2, moi.vectorMath.createPoint(0,1,0) ); // Second point of mirror line.

Change that to say moi.vectorMath.createPoint(0,0,1) so the mirror line will be going up in the world z direction. Then the last place to edit is line number 34 which has this:
factory.setInput( 1, moi.vectorMath.createTopFrame() );

Set that to say createFrontFrame() as well. After those modifications, the script should generate the pattern in the Front view instead of the Top view.

> Another question : Is it possible to lock the rotational axis in the 3D view so that rotaion will
> take place only around one single

Sorry no there isn't any way to do that for mouse rotation. But it is possible to set up the arrow keys so they will do rotations, see here:

- Michael