Changing rotational axis of 3D view ?

 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)

I am really thankful for your MirrorRotateHistory Array Script - amazing time saver !!

Here my question : The script works within the xy-plane (top view). Thats perfect while working in 2D (top-view)
but when switching to / working within the 3D view it gets difficult to handle as the 3D view rotates around the z-axis.

Is it possible to change the rotational axis of teh 3D view to the y axis ? (or generate the symmetrical array in another plane ?)

Another question : Is it possible to lock the rotational axis in the 3D view so that rotaion will take place only around one single
axis ?


PS : I use mouse / tablet pen for viewport navigation

EDITED: 28 Mar 2016 by SIRTOM