Multiple symmetry update

 From:  mkdm
7888.37 In reply to 7888.34 
Hi Michael,

More or less :) i followed your instructions and now here's my 0.2 version of the MirrorRotateHistoryArray2 command.

Now it provides full preview of the resulting geoms and includes also the "Angle" input field.

After some tests it seems that all works fine, but please let me know if you find some bugs.

In your opinion, the javascript code i have written, performs a correct cleanup of the previewed objects, while cancelling the command
or call the main function more then one time (for ex. when the user modify the input values) ?

Here's the code fragment...

	// step 1 : cancel the preview factories, created in the previous call
	if (previewFactories.length > 0) {
		for (i = 0; i < previewFactories.length; i++) {
		previewFactories = new Array();

Nice day!

Marco (mkdm).

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