Detailed Info Panel for selected entities

 From:  mkdm
Hi Michael and all,

In order to write, or at least to attempt to write :), a script that can show a detailed info panel for the selected entities,
some questions came to my mind :

1) How to retrieve the number of control points of an entity, whatever the type of the entities (curves, surfaces, poly-surfaces)

2) What's the Api call that's the right entry point to deeply query the structure of the entities ?
For example : navigate, with the Api, from a selected poly-surface, and get all of the parts from which it's composed : styles, surfaces, lines, control points...

3) Is there a way, trough the Api, to get the length of an edge ?
And therefore to consequently retrieve the overall length of the edges of the whole object ?

While i attempt, in my free time, to write something as described, i honestly hope that someone who best knows
Moi and its Api, wishes to write this script :)

Nice day,
