Scripts Icons Gallery

 From:  bemfarmer
7862.50 In reply to 7862.49 
Contrary to prior post, I actually have 13 script icons in the Scripts Gallery, under curves, which seem to have been pre-existing (somewhere else, maybe in a preexisting scripts directory somewhere in MoI. (I recollect forming a scripts directory somewhere a week or so ago, for another matter. The 13 icons are in the middle of an otherwise empty "Icon List", must be scrolled to to see, and the other tabs are empty.

In Step1, re: moi.css, Editing to 80 px, instead of 96px for length and width, shrinks the Script Gallery Icon.
But the name remains "Script Gallery".

By editing line 2 of ScriptskGalleryTextIds.txt, from ScriptsGalleryText=Script Gallery, to ScriptsGalleryText=S_Gallery, the Script Gallery Icon name is shortened, and
the customUI Icons move to the left, whcih stopped the overlap. Hi Def monitor is very nice to have.

I have no clue to how to modify anything else, and so will likely have no more comments :-)

- Brian

I do not know if I even want to have the Scripts Gallery :-)
Maybe the scripts gallery could be incorporated into CustomUI?

EDITED: 13 Apr 2019 by BEMFARMER