Scripts Icons Gallery

 From:  bemfarmer
I just installed the Scripts Icons Gallery, steps 1 throuh 4. (In MoI4Beta)
The result is substantially nearly equivalent to Stargazers. (My monitor is hi definition.)
There is an overlap of one customUI icon and MoI options icon, at the bottom RIGHT of the screen. (My overlap is with the log icon and MoI options icon.)
I guess that this overlap has something to do in Step 3, commandBar, with the presence of

span id="CommandBarCustomUI">


A very very minor point is that Maybe Stargazer left out the <moi:Spacer> at the beginning of Step 3, which reduces the narrow space between ObjectSnap button and Scripts Gallery Icon, so that this gap is even narrower. (?)

The Icon for the scripts gallery is defined in MoI, not CustomUI. Perhaps change the dimensions, width and height of step 1, or change the scripts gallery icon, if dislike the size?

I did not do step 5, because the Scripts and Extra Commands folders are now located in AppData.
So Scripts Gallery should be modified to point to these two folders (? IMHO).
(My Scripts Icon does not bring up any command at all.)

- Brian

EDITED: 13 Apr 2019 by BEMFARMER