Overlapping object selection

 From:  Michael Gibson
7855.4 In reply to 7855.3 
Hi Marco, for myself it's one of the things that bothers me the most when I try to go back into Rhino to do something. It pops up so frequently and it makes you do extra work for basic tasks.

The other thing is, that other than for control points, when you have 2 completely identical objects stacked on top of each other, when you want to select one of them it doesn't really matter which of them you select if they are actually completely identical...

It will probably be very difficult to do by scripting because there isn't currently any mechanisms in place that call script code during the selection process.

I've thought some about maybe doing something for the case with a edge and a curve stacked on top of each other since that is the most common type of overlap though. But it's pretty unlikely for the v4 timeframe, I've already got my hands full enough as it is with the v4 rewrite currently.

- Michael