Cycling shortcuts

 From:  Michael Gibson
7838.6 In reply to 7838.5 
Hi arcman, you can fix this by adding the following script to the end of that previous script (paste it in at the end of it):

var tabname = 'DrawCurveTab'; moi.ui.getUIPanel('moi://ui/SidePane.htm').document.getElementById(tabname).parentElement.activeTab = tabname;

That should then make the Draw curve tab be the active one.

For other tabs, change the value 'DrawCurveTab' at the start above to the particular tab name you want, the different tab names are:

'DrawCurveTab' , 'DrawSolidTab' , 'EditTab' , 'ViewTab' , 'SelectTab' , 'ConstructTab' , 'TransformTab'

Hope that does what you are looking for.

- Michael