Scriptproblem with BReps and getNackedEdges

 From:  Michael Gibson
7819.2 In reply to 7819.1 
Hi Karsten - it's a spelling problem there, (or more likely an unintended translation?) the name of that method is .getNakedEdges() - you've got an extra c in the middle there that needs to be removed.

That method will get edges that belong to only one face and are not joined between 2 faces.

The other edge getting methods you can call on a brep or face are:

getEdges() // Gets all edges

getJoinedEdges() // Gets edges that are joined between 2 faces (or seams too I think), leaving out naked edges

getNakedEdges() // The one you're trying to use

getSeamEdges() // Gets the seam edges of a closed surface.

Also another way to go through edges is to do it by the trim boundaries on a face by calling face.getLoops() - that returns a set of boundaries with the first boundary being the outer boundary of the face and any next ones being holes. Each boundary is itself a list of edges that make up the boundary.

Hope this helps!

- Michael