Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)

Hi All,

I have found when flowing multiple patterns to polylofted surfaces,
that at times the different tile elements can have opposing surface normals.
Although this often can be reworked to avoid this problem, I have nevertheless
created a new, very simple, node that calls 'flip' factory.

To demonstrate its use, see also attached flip.nod and image:

A planar surface is copied & Moved, then Flipped.
The 2 resulting planes are offset by same distance
however in opposing directions due to reversed normals.

Also when applied to a curve it changes its direction
(i.e. flipping start pt and end point)

To use this node, replace construct2.js in extensions folder


P.S. Ideally, I would like to see this functionality incorporated into a tripartite node
that also replaced Marco's "ArrayFlipper"(flipping a point array) as well as
a Numbers option for flipping a numArray (reversing list order).

I lack the programming skill to do this, but if anyone is interested, it would be
a worthwhile exercise IMHO.

Added dovetail.nod to demonstrate flipping curve

EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH
