Tire Tutorials Parts 1 & 2

 From:  chippwalters

I needed to make some tires, and discovered some interesting thing while creating them. So, I thought I'd document the most straightforward way I know of to make a high resolution tire in MoI.

The technique involves using flow. It is assumed that there is a rudimentary understanding of how to correctly MAP a flat surface to a target surface by clicking.
See picture above.
If you click (1) on the flat surface you must click (2) on the target surface for a correct flow mapping. Clicking (3) or (4) won't work. The click tells MoI 2 things:
1) the closest edge and; 2) the second closest edge.

There are 2 tutorials.

The first talks about building the tire and then setting up the tire and the 'tire plane' for Flow.

The second goes over how to create the tire tread, map it correctly to the tire, and finally flow it on.

One thing I figured out is it's much better to create the whole tire as a single solid and then flow it, versus flowing different parts onto the tire and trying to *union and/or subtract* them later.

I hope they help others. I know I'll be going back and looking at them again the next time I need a tire. :-)

BTW, Michael and Max, the UnwrapCurve could use a feature which adds a toggle for keeping points proportional to the flattened curve. Would make things more exact (see Part 1 of the tutorial).