Using PatterNodes to Create a Speaker Grill Detail

 From:  James (JFH)
7745.56 In reply to 7745.55 


>> So if you did not build all the nodes by yourself, where did you find them ? <<

Sorry for the confusion....the .nod files to achieve the various results in my postings are indeed my own work. Once you get your head around how the nodes work in combination with each other, intricate pattern and complex form become accessible to generate. I won't say it is easy, you keep at it because it is rewarding.

I don't see much value in posting all the various .nod files to the forum, because many are a total mess...& as I said earlier, finessing them can be quite laborious.

Instead the file above is a good example to use for instructional purposes. I have attached a revised file "ANNOTATED_equiDistPattern.nod" with annotations of each of the nodes explaining the process.
If you analyse the steps you will start to see how it works.


EDITED: 29 Apr 2020 by JFH