Surface to solid help

 From:  Michael Gibson
7718.3 In reply to 7718.1 
Hi Matt, so using that script you can find the area that's messed up and in this case you've got one surface that is basically duplicated in that area and sticking out over top of some of the neighboring ones overlapping on top of them. That kind of situation is harder to diagnose than just a regular hole. So that surface needs to be deleted and then there's a hole to be patched up. Once you run the script you can push the "Reset" button at the bottom of the viewport to zoom right to those selected naked edges, then zoom in here and select this face:

That's the one that's overlapping the other pieces - notice the "stippling" or "z-fighting" in the display which is a signal that there is overlapping surfaces happening:

After selecting it, delete it and then you'll be left with this 4 sided hole which you can fill with Network, then select the main part and the new Network surface and use Edit > Join to form a solid:

- Michael