Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  James (JFH)
7713.653 In reply to 7713.651 
Thanks Max for latest update,

Copy/Paste will be a productivity boon in general use, and...
ingeniously answers my call for a "make macro" function
by allowing to paste into a new macro, so kudos!

This is just a thought, but would it be possible to have a
"Copy & Remove" option (or "Cut" in Adobe nomenclature)?
It would be handy when cleaning up node circuitry, by copying out
groups of nodes to package into a macro, without then have to
reselect the same nodes to remove. If you agree that this would be
useful, then perhaps, sometime in the future this option could be included.

For now, I'm so happy with the new functionality, especially
Ctrl + drag copying! This is something that I have long desired.

Thanks again

P.S. >>Removed buttons icons (all icons generating on the fly)<<

This may be a dim witted question, but could explain this
or illustrate with image. I don't know what are "buttons icons"
The only things that would fit the description that I can see is:
"NEW","LOAD","SAVE" etc. but they have not been removed.

EDITED: 4 Oct 2017 by JFH