Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  mkdm
7713.525 In reply to 7713.523 
Hi James and good morning to everyone,

> IMHO the manipulation of num & pt arrays (interlacing, flipping shifting etc) lies at the very heart of parametric design. i.e. pattern.

I totally agree with you.

In fact, as I wrote in a post some times ago (,
I was writing a bunch of utility nodes for PointArray datatype :

- "ArrayShuffler" : returns a PointArray, by shuffling the elements inside the input PointArray (RMB -> Update : generate a new random shuffle)
For example, it may be useful to create objects like ball of wool.

- "ArrayFlipper" : returns a PointArray, created by flipping the elements of the input PointArray

And "ArrayBoolean", a very useful node that operates boolean operations on Pointarray. Very powerful.

Unfortunately, because of a distraction, I totally lost all the code of "ArrayBoolean" and other two very interesting nodes I was writing !!!

Only ArrayShuffler and ArrayFlipper were saved.

When Max will release the first 1.0 official version of Project Elephant I will try to write again those nodes.


- Marco (mkdm)