Layout module for creating documentation in MoI?

 From:  Michael Gibson
7712.3 In reply to 7712.1 
Hi artisanicview,

> I just want to ask if is possible to develop a Layout module (like Sketchup or Rhino
> have) to prepare technical documentation in MoI?

Yes certainly it's possible to develop that for MoI in the future, and it is something that I'd like to add to MoI in the future but it is not something that has been a focus as of yet.

Currently you'll need to use MoI in combination with another program to handle that type of thing, one good option is to export out from MoI in DXF format and then use the free program Draftsight to prepare the documentation.

> Will be tremendously useful to prepare the necessary documentation directly in MoI without the
> need to export the models to other softwares to do this.

Right now it would be necessary to do the export route.

> As I see there is already a script for dimensioning, can this evolve into a full Layout module?

I guess it's possible but it involves quite a lot of work and so I wouldn't really expect for it to happen like that.

- Michael