CAD capabilities.

 From:  Michael Gibson
771.7 In reply to 771.5 
Hi Hightower, well I am really surprised that Mach3 supports all those different formats but not AI or IGES. I would have thought that especially AI would be at the top of their list...

I tried looking around and it seems to be hard to find a free converter from AI.

One thing that would work for sure is either Rhino or Adobe Illustrator.

> also, if i draw a cube in moi, can i export all 6 sides as individual 2d objects from MOI?

There isn't any automatic method, but you could do this by selecting the cube and using Edit/Separate to break it into different surfaces, then select the surfaces one at a time and use File / Export to export each one to a different file.

File / Export will only write out the selected objects to the file instead of everything like Save As does.

- Michael