CAD capabilities.

 From:  Hightower (ADUCCI)
771.5 In reply to 771.4 
Hey guys, thanks for the response, i see i havent done my research,

Michael, the CAM software i use does not accept AI (illustrator), and i dont have that application... i will see if i can get a utility to transfer your formats into something that Mach3 supports ( CMX,DWF,CGM,PLT,PCT,DRW,WMF,EMF,GBR,SHP,PRN,SVG,WPG,WMZ,DRL),,,

wow, that was a lot of acronyms...

i think i should come right with doing something in the AI format...

also, if i draw a cube in moi, can i export all 6 sides as individual 2d objects from MOI?

i will update this when i get a common format that works between the two applications (MOI & Mach3)

thanks again