Universal Manipulator

 From:  WillBellJr
770.23 In reply to 770.22 
Yep, that's it Michael, that would be NICE - anything so I can quickly scale and rotate items. That's all I'm asking for...

Jesse, that's a nice manipulator also.

As I had previously mentioned, the SRT commands are great for accurately getting things where you want and the way you need.

If you're dragging around your objects the majority of the time when using MOI, then you've already made a case for my request. At times, all you need to do is a quick scale and/or rotate as well that doesn't require select1, select2, manipulate, click done...

It's a small speed up in MOI that I think would be valuable. I like Michael's existing manipulator, it fits the bill just fine, AND it's already coded for one feature already, hopefully it can be extended for objects, curves and selected point[s] (not sure if rotating/scaling a single point is feasible!)


PS - As long as the manipulator centers itself around the bounding box of selected object(s) that would be fine (the norm) - IF you can also include a way to >reposition< the manipulator to move the center point, that would be hella handy for getting say an object to rotate around another object (orbits) - being able to snap that manipulator to other entities would be ICING on the cake!