Universal Manipulator

 From:  Michael Gibson
770.11 In reply to 770.9 
> I'm not sure why you're considering the operations of strictly 2D
> applications when MOI is a 3D one - my guess is you're mainly
> after the feel of a 2D app (eg Illustrator) when using (drawing with) MOI.

Hi Will, yes that's basically it.

I do have a kind of general idea/goal of adding more 2D type design features to MoI in the future as well. Not just the feel, but also actual 2D features as well like fills and brush stroke options, etc... Of course it will be quite a while before this fully comes to fruition, but if I can make stuff behave "2D friendly" along the way it would help to get there.

Basically if you maximize the top view and just draw and manipulate curves in that x/y world plane, I would like it if you felt like you were in just a 2D environment during those operations.

Manipulators appearing right in the middle of shapes really kind of breaks up that feeling, at least to me.

I mean you wouldn't expect Illustrator or Photoshop to put a scaling widget right exactly in the middle of a selected shape instead of around the outside, right?

- Michael