I love MoI

 From:  chippwalters
FYI, spent a good amount of time re-reading some old threads here then going to see how others solve similar problems.

I do *know* that mastering PolyFlow with SubD is quite the acquired skill. Took me months and I still don't consider myself anything of a master. An older thread mentioned this design and how it was probably better challenged using SubDs (click to enlarge):

While I know that design was done in Zbrush, I really don't think it could be accomplished easily in SubDs. Probably a basic cage is all that's doable, with a few details, but then you'd have to FREEZE and **THEN** the fun begins trying to do real booleans in a polymodeler ;-)

It appears more and more concept designers are going to solid modelers to try and create these sci-fi products. Based upon several Zbrush tutes I've watched, I believe the above design could be realized faster in MoI than in Zbrush. The actual form is fairly geometric and I believe could be carved out quickly.

Also, the parting lines look very "Zbrush" -- they are soft and too wide. In fact Zbrush models are typically recognizable for their 'clay-like' appearances, though I've seen a few which are better...like this one which seems pretty tight:

It's all to say how much I, too, really like working in MoI!