Cross section plane

 From:  Phiebelo (MENNO)
Hi Michael,

MoI is a great product! Now using the 30 day trail, but did first some experimenting with the no-save version. Coming from modelling with Sketchup!, it's like the clouds have gone away and the sun started shining! I was really amazed both by the result and the fact that I didn't came across MoiI earlier.

I'm using a boolean script in Sketchup!, but most of the time the geometry gets broken (e.g holes). Also extruding bend surfaces with a script in Sketchup! is not going well. MoI does a far better job with it's "Boolean"- and "Shell"-construction options.

When doing some modelling I wondered if there is a way to create a cross section plane? If not, what would you suggest as a alternative?

