A useful Kitbash technique for MoI3D

 From:  mkdm
7592.36 In reply to 7592.34 
Hi Chipp and Pilou!

@Chipp "...Damn you Frenchy! I'm losing a whole day watching videos on Decal Machine, Hard Ops and Boxcutter for Blender. And I suspect I'm this far from jumping with both feet into Blender, UGH!..."

During the last month I too have begun to get a closer look to the almost (for me) "unknown" Blender.
Its super complex and strange UI always kept me away from it.

But now I have to say that after spending some time with some very interesting tutorial,
I'm seriously evaluating the opportunity to include it into my current 3d pipeline.

And the upcoming version 2.8 shows real promise.

I think that it could be an excellent companion for the other software that I'm currently learning : Unreal Engine 4.
(I preferred UE4 over Unity)

See you.

- Marco (mkdm)