A useful Kitbash technique for MoI3D

 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7592.13 In reply to 7592.10 
Hi Chipp

>> For instance, would it be possible to have different folders to represent different libraries?
Obj Library script supports multiple libraries. Just put the paths to config file "\ui\customui\mods\ObjLibrary.cfg.htm"

also I wrote another version of this script. You can open it as dialog window.
copy ObjLibrary.dialog.htm to \ui\customui\mods\
Use this command to open a dialog window: moi.ui.createDialog( 'customui/mods/ObjLibrary.dialog.htm', 'resizeable' );

>> An interesting tweak to this process would be to create a Google Spreadsheet documenting all the scripts and plugins for MoI, and share it with the community.
Yes, it's great idea.
But it will be better if Michael create an official online script repository and built-in script manager. Something like Notepad++ Plugin manager.

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV