Flarum - Open-source forum engine

 From:  Michael Gibson
7573.6 In reply to 7573.3 
Hi Marco,

> the side-pane is implemented already. By moving the mouse to the left side of the
> screen/browser window the discussion-list pane will slide out, but this can be pinned
> either via the icon or via config. As it is basically a slide-out menu, it will play rather well
> with most responsive UX approaches.

It's kind of set up a little weird though - the reason why I didn't notice it at first was that it does not seem to appear on the initial forum main page, it seems to only be an option once you have started to read a message... ?

How do you get the side pane to show up right from the start like when going directly to http://discuss.flarum.org/ ?

Still it's very promising that it at least has it - a persistent topics list is almost always missing from forums.

- Michael