MoI v4 beta?

It appears to be that you have two DISTINCT major areas of interest:

1. The first time buyer.
2. The experienced CAD designer & code writer/node/script/ developer.

After purchasing Moi3d, I needed to focus on 'beginner courses' to familiarize myself with Moi3d. Take it for a test drive:


After I was able to drive Moi3d as well as my work required - I found there were holes in the fabric:

B) Began to search for LIGHTING OPTIONS, Additional tools (scripts) - hot keys - nodes - & other improvements in order to beef-up the bare bones 'standard' version.

After that I realized my interface was UGLY - cluttered - wrong-sized icons, too much text - whereas the wimpy pastel color theme was repugnant to me:

C) Began searching for LOCATIONS where I could add (either forum or my own) CSS & HTML to RESIZE & PLACE all the ADD-ONS & remove the excessive text below labels - and generally re-proportion Moi.

Then I realized I could change the whole text/color interface so that the space between the windows was black - by changing a PNG, and I made my own black-gray icons & headers & folders & TOOL TIP code.

D) Began searching for design layout CSS & HTML code and PNG's and finalizing the Moi remodel - and now it is complete & beautiful and has myriad tools for experimentation & design work, modded-out nicely.

Therefore I strongly suggest you divide the FORUM into A - B - C - D SECTIONS.

A: Beginner Area
Tutorials & Video Clips.
B: Add-ons & plug-ins,
Hot-keys & Nodes.
C: GUI Related Beautify
Icons & Png's
D: Code Room
Snippets & SidePane

That way you have different ROOMS in which live the different compartments related to that room. You have the torpedo room with the torpedoes, the command center with the periscope etc., and it's easy to go step by step and Moi becomes individualized to the point that we aren't all forced to submit to become victims of one individual's rigormortis. Suddenly you have a very interesting path to customize your software and personalize it - which I think is a huge benefit / blessing to the consumer, because we're all individuals and have different taste and arrange our own desk per whim.

This way each cubicle isn't identical, nor dictated by a stiff unbending narrow philosophy - these options add doors & windows to a solitary confinement (in my opinion) however, my opinion has been quite unpopular among the inmates in this lunatic asylum - be that as it may.

I certainly will think long and hard before I go through the process of soaking up all the drivel on this forum seeking to download and figuring out which is the latest and greatest add-on and then pouring over the wasteland of notes around the code wondering where to - how to - add it - and then resize - beautify it - and hope it works!

One thing for sure - it's a great software - however - I think the forum is confusing and the icons & color theme are repugnant - and I love the lighting options, hot-keys, nodes & other options, not to mention the comfortable easy-on-your-eyes & elegant black & gray & white interface I have now - with all that miserable text labels replaced with pop-up tool-tips - right now I'm thrilled with Moi - the software.


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