MoI v4 beta?

 From:  Michael Gibson
7568.57 In reply to 7568.53 
Hi Mauro, I guess now that I read your message again it's not about finding the "extra stuff" like I thought at first, it's more about filtering out the discussions of the "extra stuff" so that the "regular user who is just trying to model stuff" isn't inundated with a bunch of technical details that have no use for them, is that correct?

It certainly is true that MoI has an overall goal of trying to make complex technical CAD to be easier to use for simple things so I can understand where you're coming from.

It's kind of difficult though to apply it very well to this particular field of forum discussions, they can be rather "organic" in nature...

Probably at some point it's going to make sense to have a separate "developer" section but I don't think we're quite there yet.

There is already one type of filtering which helps with this already which is just having threads/topics - if a user has a specific question often times they'll post it as a new thread and then they can go back to just that thread later on to see stuff related just to their question, they don't have to chew through every single post in the whole forum.

Now if you're someone who likes to consume as much information as possible and so reads every single thread then that's a bit different thing and it's more fundamentally difficult to impose order on that.

- Michael