celestial sphere

 From:  bemfarmer
7559.24 In reply to 7559.23 
Hi Burrman

Sorry for poor explanations.
I was just noticing that in Max's .js file, the radius of 50 is passed to the .html file using "moi.ui.commandUI.Starmap(50),"
which becomes "distance," and is used in the spherical to x,y,z coordinates.
So the celestial sphere has a radius of 50 distance units, in this case, from the center of the Earth.

Also, the cos(90 - dec) = sin(dec)
similarly sin(90 - dec) = cos(dec)
So the spherical to x,y,z coordinate equations have some sin and cos functions exchanged from the Wikipedia (Phi) equations.
There is no need to switch to polar Phi angle.
RA and Dec are also partly previously processed in the database.

Max is such a good programmer, I look to see what can be learned :-)

- Brian