Crash report

 From:  Michael Gibson
7556.2 In reply to 7556.1 
Hi Mike yeah if the crash report location is not filled in on that dialog it means the crash dump generation failed. If it was generated it would be either in the MoI install directory (c:\Program Files (x86)\Moi 3.0) or in your %temp% folder. It would be a file named, or, etc...

The only way I know of for the crash report not to be generated is by running out of memory though, so it's pretty likely that's what happened.

You should probably try to make a less complex surface using a lower resolution image, or also something you can try to reduce memory load is to change the display mesh setting to make a coarser display mesh. You do that by going to Options > View > "Meshing parameters" and set "Mesh angle" to 25 degrees and uncheck "Add details to inflections". That will make a somewhat more jaggedy looking display but will also consume quite a bit less memory on tremendously complex surfaces like you are probably generating.

- Michael