Heightmap [script]

 From:  Michael Gibson
7547.20 In reply to 7547.1 
Hi Max - so the reason it doesn't work right on Mac is that on Mac moi.filesystem.getOpenFileName() is not returning a Mac native path, it's returning the "virtualized" windows path which uses the z:\ drive (with Windows path delimiters). So for instance when the user selects a file really named /Users/michael/desktop/file.png , the path returned from moi.filesystem.getOpenFileName() will actually be z:\Users\michael\desktop\file.png

So for this particular case just treat it always the same as the windows version and it will then work.

I guess it's probably a bug though that moi.filesystem.getOpenFileName() does not return a Mac native path when some other functions do - right now it's kind of a mix with mainly things that are meant to be displayed in the UI end up with the Mac native path in them and others that don't map directly to some display in the UI use the virtualized Windows path instead which is basically the default in the current version. This will probably be different in v4 with more things returning Mac native paths because v4 won't have the whole virtualized Wineskin system in it anymore for the Mac version.

Anyway to get this working on mac right now edit _Heightmap.js and change line 7 to:

var dlm = '\\';

And that should then get it to work.

- Michael