Draw on CPlane

 From:  Michael Gibson
7509.5 In reply to 7509.4 
Hi Andrei,

> why if I set CPlane that is parallel to origins, and if I go for example to the top view
> it will go to the top of world but not the CPlane?

I'm not able to repeat that problem over here - I just tested setting a cplane parallel to the top view, and when I draw in it, the points go to the cplane as expected.

Can you show an example that is behaving differently?

Are you possibly being confused by the XYZ coordinate readout saying z = 0 ? That's because the coordinate readout is also in cplane coordinates as well, you will see a "c" prefix in front of them when that happens. Z = 0 in cplane coordinates is on the cplane.

- Michael