
 From:  Michael Gibson
7508.2 In reply to 7508.1 
Hi Burr - wow that is a lot of the statue sunken down there!

Coincidentally right now I'm working on exposing the sunken 32-bits from MoI so the full 64-bits will be revealed... ;)

It is a long process and I've still got a ways to go but I will probably have the HTML UI working fairly soon which will be one big milestone.

It involves a switch to a new compiler, switch to new version of webkit which has lots and lots of changes in it, and porting from Windows specific code to cross-platform Qt code at the same time to have a native Mac build. All those things together means a lot of changes and porting.

It's only been the past couple of days since I've got enough of the UI working that it's starting to look like MoI again which is nice. But then once the HTML UI is all up and going there's still a lot to do with getting 3D geometry stuff going which is another big area.

The sort of frustrating thing is that once all this work is done the end result is going to look exactly the same as the old one... But having 64-bit and native Mac build will be a better base to build new stuff off of for the next 10 years I think.

- Michael