adding a commandset for the subd commands to the transform section

 From:  Michael Gibson
7479.3 In reply to 7479.1 
Hi Nos - to make a commandset you need to have 2 additional files set up to define the command set - one file is a xml file that lists the commands that go together in the set, and the second one is an .htm file that contains the UI for the buttons in it.

Take a look at the Lines.xml and Lines.htm for an example.

Also you probably can't put in <moi:Text textid="subd"> , because using a <moi:Text> element means "look up the text of this textid in the string table and insert it here". It's for localizable text that has been put in the string table, and will get different text when a different string table is set to be active when the language setting is changed.

If there is no entry for that id in the string tables then you'll get blank text. You can just replace that whole <moi:Text> element with some direct text like this instead:

<moi:CommandButton icon="icons/subDicon.png" commandset="Subd">Subd</moi:CommandButton>

Hope this helps get you pointed in the right direction.

- Michael