watch body from lofts

 From:  WillBellJr
746.9 In reply to 746.8 
Yep, that's probably how I would have made it doing an extrusion and then subtracting out to get the desired shape!

Intersection is hella cool - I'll certainly be using it from naou awn!

Well I hope you consider PDF documentation since it's easier to print. The now defunct Eovia used PDFs for their Hexagon program AND they were able to include Quicktime movies embedded within the PDF file as tutorials - I thought that was pretty cool at the time.

A lot of companies use HTML to achieve that kind of functionality but then you can't simply print your manual...

Either way, I look forward to it!


PS - When I first tried this, it didn't work for me (the command executed but nothing resulted) I deleted those two curves and tried a simpler rectangle and a simple curved profile like your 2nd picture above - that worked?

I guess I'm asking, what are the limitations? Does both curves have to be the same size, or "cover" each other in space? I'm not sure what was wrong with my initial two shapes - I think the shape curve was longer in one direction than the profile, I probably should have attached the .3dm but it was just a quick test and I closed the file...