FBX export: automated export of all styles as separate files

 From:  Altlex (AJACQUES)
7451.3 In reply to 7451.2 
Hi Michael,

My goal indeed is to have my Moi styles as separately selectable objects in 3ds max. Either trough color, naming or layers

Currently when I export from Moi to FBX and import this FBX into 3ds Max all objects import to the active layer in max and all get assigned the same default material.
Object names default to 'obj+nr'.

So basically all styles/color/naming info from Moi is lost in the export? import? process.

Having a separate file per style would give me the oppertunity to import, bulkrename and assign to a dedicated layer.

Maybe it is in the export that the structure is lost. Or maybe it is in the import in Max. Since I am using Moi on a daily bases alongside 3ds Max I would be willing to pay for a script/solution:-)

Thnx! Arjan