Moi3d V4 beta version approximately when?

 From:  arekm
7430.12 In reply to 7430.11 
>> I would say - rely on qt5 rendering and don't go lowlevel into drivers.

>> That's fine for the GUI - but not for MoI's 3D viewport window - the 3D viewport needs to use hardware accelerated 3D graphics and that is dependent on your video driver.

You mean you need to do viewport hangling directly by avoiding qt5? I was hoping that things can be made crossplatform by only using qt5 and relying on qt5 ability to use underlying 3d acceleration in the system (opengl on linux, whatever is available on windows/macos).

(if that would work then in theory moi3d would even run on software based opengl (which is available on Linux by default) ... not really usable for normal work but it would run)