Kickstarter for MoI educational training package

 From:  TMeeks
7429.3 In reply to 7429.1 
Thanks Michael!

I can't imagine that our students would have the success in learning to design in 3D using any other 3D design application. MOI3D combines a very easy introduction path with the power to allow students to do very advanced designs very quickly.

What is REALLY important to remember is that we are NOT working with the students in "Advanced Placement". These are kids that schools have written off and have either been kicked out of school or dropped out. You can not begin to know how grateful we are that your interface allows these kids to grasp something they and others never thought they would be able to achieve. More importantly, we are grateful to see how being successful with MOI3D is a critical part of turning the lives of these kids around. I wish everyone could witness the transformation that takes place as they move from tentative first steps to creating some beautifully complex objects for print. Version 3.0 was icing on the cake for the acdets.

Most of our cadets take to it like fish take to water and just thrive!

So, we are looking to be able to provide the training we have developed to other educators, home school parents and individuals looking for a something to use with their 3D printers. And, we are very excited about expanding the number of MOI3D users. :)

EDITED: 4 Jun 2015 by TMEEKS