Let's Model a Car: A Tutorial

 From:  ed (EDDYF)
Car Tutorial Part 7 – Front Grill

Ed Ferguson, CascadiaDesignStudio.com

Front Grill:
Draw a closed curve of the grill outline in front view.

Extrude (with Cap Ends) into the car body.

Boolean > Difference to create the cavity.
Fillet the grill opening 0.4”.

We’ll assign a mesh material using an opacity map in our render program. This gives us design flexibly we wouldn’t have if we modeled the mesh.

Grill Bar:
Our front end needs some chrome trim to accent the grill opening.
In front view select the edge(s) around the fillet that define the grill opening.

Ctrl+C Ctrl+V to copy / paste. When you copy / paste an edge this way, the “paste” becomes an independent curve object which is automatically selected. Join to create a closed curve and assign a unique style to the curve.

In front view and side view, size the curve smaller because we want it to “float” inside the grill opening. You may need to View Points and make some adjustments to the curve so it sits correctly within the opening.

Draw a 0.15” radius circle and place it near, but not touching, the curve. Use the circle as a Profile to Sweep the curve. The result is a tube which will be assigned a chrome material in the render program.

EDITED: 11 May 2015 by EDDYF