Let's Model a Car: A Tutorial

 From:  Michael Gibson
7389.61 In reply to 7389.60 
Hi Keith,

> Once highlighted select Smooth Edges from the model menu and use the default setting.

Hmmm, I think that's probably just going to modify how the newly created normals are generated so at least it won't have a hard break in those spots.

What you really want to have is the "break angle" normals creating mechanism totally turned off and instead the original vertex normals imported from the .obj file to be used instead.

In this Carrara discussion thread there is some similar stuff being discussed:

The part of particular interest is:
"looks like theres also a on off switch “smooth” which turns of the auto smoothing and uses the the original obj data"

I think from the context of the previous message that is being replied to that this "smooth" switch mentioned there is on some kind of "Surfaces" pane - any luck finding that?

> I don't suppose anyone has a method of fixing the problem before importing teh obj to Carrara such
> as a script of a work around involving passing the file through another program?

It seems unlikely because the problem seems to be in the Carrara import mechanism - it seems to be discarding the smoothing information that is included in the .obj file and cooking up its own smoothing which is inferior. No matter what other program you use you will still need to run it through the importer which then has this problem.

But maybe you can undo the problem if you can find the "smooth" switch referenced in the above thread that enables the original normals to be used...

- Michael