T8 mouse exercise

 From:  delic
Hello, I'm learning MoI, so I decided to draw a T8 mouse as exercise.

This mouse have minimalistic streamlined design, which I would be able to draw in 3D, preferably with curves and MoI.


I first tried to figure out the best way, booleans cut, sweep, or loft, but ended drawing the edges and network them.

Any advice about the method for such kind of shapes ?

Here I'm stuck with the adjacent edges of networked surfaces, cant get rid of them, even if there's no straight line in the curves used for building them. I tried to cut these edges and reblend them, but it's even worse. How would you do for building these two shapes smooth, with top and bottom as separate parts, so there can be an open edge ?

Anyway, I beginned building only the half, so I'll rebuild these shapes. Maybe tweking a seprated sweeped surface, and rebuild from that ?