Edges crease marks on .obj exports

 From:  Michael Gibson
7376.2 In reply to 7376.1 
Hi delic I updated the title for you.

For MoI's .obj export edge creasing is handled by vertex normals that are stored in the .obj file, which control the shading of the polygons.

So there is no angle threshold set - usually an angle threshold mechanism is used when vertex normals are being created by averaging together face normals of adjacent polygon faces. With MoI's export the vertex normals instead come from the original NURBS surface. For an edge crease the polygons on either side of the crease will have their own distinct vertex normals.

This is again a big difference from a polygon modeling program - when you create geometry in MoI the stuff you create are actual smooth spine surfaces, which is rather different than polygon mesh geometry that's made up of all flat pieces. MoI's geometry will display whatever the actual geometry is defining, it will show smooth if the surfaces are actually smooth to each other, or display creased if there is an actual crease between the surfaces. It does not work like a polygon mesh environment where it's faking a smooth look between flat pieces that meet under some angle threshold.

> Is there an angle threshold at which edges are marked ? is there a workaround to
> export, trim, or select only theses hard edges in MoI ?

Sorry I don't quite understand this question - MoI can only export .obj data, not import it back in again so it's not able to select any of those polygon edges at all... Basically once you export to .obj files the data is transformed into a different type of 3D object, made up of flat polygon pieces rather than NURBS surfaces.

But basically if you want things to look smooth they have to be constructed to be actually smooth to each other, using tools like Fillet or Blend that construct surfaces which are continuous with their neighbors.

- Michael