Confusing ... Forum & Current Version

 From:  Hamish Mead (HAIRYKIWI)
Everything considered, I am reasonably happy with the flatness of the the current forum's structure.

There are two or three features I would definitely use if they were implemented:

- Giving kudos to a post: means a discussion needn't become bloated with 'thank you' messages - nice, and welcome as they are. For example, I like to give thanks for a useful post, but equally understand that I might be causing someone frustration when they open discussions with apparent new posts, only to find 'just another thank you note'.

- Favouriting a discussion: would make re-finding those discussions that much easier, without resorting to bookmarking. BTW, what do other people currently do in this respect?

The third isn't so much a forum feature request but general suggestion: that valuable discussions, (such as Max's scripts) are edited and added to the Resource page more frequently - they are most definitely AWESOME marketing material otherwise buried 'off-piste' in this forum to anyone who's new to MoI and trying to assess its capabilities within the 30 day trial period.

Beyond being enthralled by MoI's beautiful simplicity, delightful interface and power for all my needs, I am in complete awe of Michael's responsiveness on this forum, all-the-while simultaneously and single-handedly continuing to develop a product as complex as MoI. If that's the price of a forum without the fancy extras, or it takes time to consider them fully, so be it. Thank you Michael.

- Hamish