Confusing ... Forum & Current Version

 From:  ttype (STRUBE)
7321.28 In reply to 7321.21 
>So it's intentional that some functions that are only used by a smaller number of people are somewhat hidden rather than put into the top level command UI.

Keeping things simple sounds great.

Still too many things cannot be scripted or scripting gets tedious fast (->factories). A command line with autocomplete would be great as well.

> In the future I do want to make scripts and extensions more easily browsable...

Recently you wrote that you are checking things out...

The latest versions of QtNetwork e.g. have typed arrays and you can easily use already existing code to unzip files. Using Git you can download whole repositories as zip files and when every file has a comment on the first line you could then just copy all scripts and the describing comment to the options window.

That could be done without a lot of work on your side.