Confusing ... Forum & Current Version

 From:  Michael Gibson
7321.14 In reply to 7321.13 
Hi Mauro, basically since MoI is not itself designed to run on a smartphone it's also not really a priority to focus on optimizing the support forum for it for smartphones either...

It still works to view it on a smartphone, I do it myself occasionally you just have to do some zoom in/zoom out and panning when there are large images.

There is some support in the forum software for resizing images, but I disabled it early on for some reason which I can't specifically remember right now, maybe it did not work all that great. Maybe it could be possible for me to fix that up and re-enable that in the future though.

But I've examined what is involved in making a "responsive" site and came to the conclusion that it was just too much effort involved for me to pursue it, it's something that's great to do for people where the entire thing that they are working on is a web app. But for me the web site is a support thing, my main focus is on developing the desktop software and not on spending all my time just working on maintaining a super fancy web site.

I need the web site to be simple and easy to maintain, and having something that has totally different behavior on different devices is fundamentally a complex thing to test and deal with, it's the opposite of simple and easy to maintain.

But something more limited like enabling the image resizing just on mobile might be possible at some point.

- Michael