NVil, Samardac Config 1.0

 From:  ed (EDDYF)
Andrei - Your posting comes at a good time because I purchased NVil just yesterday.

My first thought was - "Do I need all these tools?" Then when watching your YouTube video on modeling a car, I could see you used very few tools.

So, I will give your custom config a try (and eventually your MoI - NVil - KeyShot bridge). I'll accept your word that it simplifies NVil for a beginner like me :)

In the meantime I have experimented with bringing in OBJ files created in NVil to MoI and performing operations. I don't have Rhino/T-Splines, but Max's OBJ import and SubD scripts are working well. I also went the other way and used MoI to build just the basic form for a model, and brought it into NVil for some "organic" tweaks.

Thanks for sharing, and perhaps you could make a NVil video for beginners using your custom config.

Ed Ferguson